Tuesday 17 February 2015

Learning about our Charism

At the start of each term we like to re cap with the children the meaning and symbols of our Charism Dominic 
Here we have two lads that have been looking at the flame that the dog carried representing the light of Christ

Monday 9 February 2015

Brand new learners Room 1

Lilly and Giselle share their great learning with me. Their pictures help them with writing their stories.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Key Competencies in 2015

Last year saw the school develop and plan for a new St Dominic's Curriculum. We looked at where our children need to be at the end of Year 6 and worked backwards. What skills and attributes would each of us as teachers need to be reinforcing with our children as they moved through the school in order for our children to be ready for year 7.
We discuss as a whole staff having a collective responsibility for these children that come to school each day and what each of us need to be doing in order for us to play our part.

We unpacked the competencies in 2012-2013 across the school however if we are to have these as a main focus for the school we need to go over these again.
This year we have introduced a set of rubric to help support teachers in making judgements against the KC's. We also have a set of visuals in the classrooms that the children can relate to in order for them to be thinking about them as they go about their day. This will take some time to embed across the school however we are looking forward to the conversations and developments that this will bring for our children.
